Thursday 16 April 2009

We've arrived!

Florence at Lochinver Harbour after the Easter Egg Hunt in Cullag Community Wood
A rainbow at Inchnadamph - on the way home from shopping in Ullapool

Jarv in our new back garden with Suilven in the background

We are now living in Lochinver, having moved out of Ashill on 26th March and finally taking up residence as a family on 1st April - time between spent shifting our furniture, cleaning up our new house and collecting Jude and Florence from Norfolk.

School has started with Flossie in P4 and Jude at pre-school and we praise God for all He's done to bring us here. Masses to praise Him for since arriving particularly this lovely house in Kirk Road overlooking the water.
Lots of prayer going on that we are joining in with and new friends to make both from the churches and down our street.

Next step - finding work and working out how to centre my pic captions but keep my bodytext in the right place!

Monday 12 January 2009

Getting started

We're starting this blog to tell the story of our move to Lochinver and what happens after that. December 08 has been a month of God on the move, getting things going bit by bit, step by step after lots of hold-ups and frustrations and asking questions like ' Is this really what you want us to do, Lord?' Feels to us as if the answer YES is becoming louder and clearer.
Our times are in His hands and in Him all things hold together.

We spent a lovely Christmas at 26 Badnaban, went to 2 services in the CofS church in Lochinver and found out a little bit more about the community we want to be part of. We need somewhere to rent for the first few months that's in the village or near enough for school and church.

Keep watching this space and praying..

Cle x